Our policy
GRA is committed to promoting sustainability and will endeavour to ensure that sustainability is integral to our professional activities and College management. Our aim is to promote and follow good sustainability practice, to reduce the environmental impacts of all our activities.
GRA commitment:
– To comply with, and where practical exceed all applicable legislation, regulations and codes of practice
– To integrate sustainability considerations in all business decisions
– To reduce carbon emissions in accordance with the Climate Change Act
– To ensure all staff and learners are fully aware of our sustainability and environmental policy and are committed to implementing it
– To minimise the impact on sustainability of all our delivery and transportation activities
– To care for the environment and promote a culture of sustainability which is implicit in all our course delivery and although it may not be specifically quoted, tutors to maximise the opportunities to discuss sustainability both in the context of the course and the individuals
– To review periodically and to continually strive to improve our sustainability performance
– Minimise use of paper and other office consumables
– Minimise energy and water usage in our buildings, vehicles and processes in order to conserve supplies and minimise our consumption of natural resources, especially when they are non- renewable.
– As far as possible purchase products and services that do the least damage to the environment
– Assess the environmental impact of any new processes or products we intend to introduce in advance
– Source produce locally where possible
– Recycle office waste, computer supplies and redundant equipment
– Where practical purchasing energy efficient equipment and good housekeeping
– Where possible, walk, cycle, use public transport or car share
– Consider alternatives to travel e.g. web cams, teleconferencing
– Segregate waste where practical so that it can be recycled
Monitoring and review of policy and procedures:
This policy and related procedures is maintained by the Quality Team and will be updated where necessary to reflect updated legislation, feedback, improvements of operation and changes to the regulatory environment. If you have any comments and / or queries regarding the contents or the use of this policy, please contact the Quality team directly on: quality@gragb.com