This statement sets out GRA’s actions to understand all potential modern slavery risks related to its business. GRA aims to put in place procedures to ensure there is no slavery or human trafficking in its organisation and supply chains.
This policy reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains.
GRA provides education to a wide range of learners from age 19.
GRA has a number of suppliers for various parts of the organisation. These include:
– Business partners
– External contractors including advisors, cleaners and consultants
– Advertising, including digital and print
– Sponsorship
GRA is committed to ensuring there is transparency in our own business and in our approach to tackling modern slavery throughout our supply chains. We expect the same high standards from all of our suppliers, contractors and business partners, and this is inferred through their agreement to follow GRA policies.
GRA has a number of policies and procedures that assist in preventing slavery ans human trafficking in its operations including:
– Whistleblowing Policy
– Safeguarding Policy
– Recruitment Policy
– Due Diligence
– Fraud and Anti Bribery Policies
– Training for all key staff
GRA is satisfied from our own due diligence measures that there is no evidence of any act of modern-day slavery or human trafficking within our own organisation. GRA will not knowingly support or deal with any businesses found to be involved with any acts of slavery or human trafficking. GRA has a policy of zero-tolerance on matters of slavery and/or human trafficking and expects suppliers and associated businesses to comply with these values. The vast majority of GRA’s sources are from inside the United Kingdom and as such are less at risk of slavery and human trafficking issues.
To surmise, any suspected instance of modern slavery or human trafficking within GRA or its suppliers must be reported to GRA’s designated Safeguarding and Prevent Officer, George Broniewski who will investigate and advise the appropriate people of any further actions.
Monitoring and review of policy and procedures
This policy and related procedures is maintained by the Quality Team and will be updated where necessary to reflect updated legislation, feedback, improvements of operation and changes to the regulatory environment. If you have any comments and / or queries regarding the contents or the use of this policy, please contact the Quality team directly on: quality@gragb.com