Equality Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Statement

GRA promotes diversity, harmony and respect for differences.
Our aim is to provide an inclusive working and learning environment where everyone is fully respected and supported and an environment of inclusivity and diversity where all are able to participate and fulfil their potential.
This policy sets out the requirements and responsibilities of GRA for ensuring and advancing equality and fairness to all persons in accordance with The Equality Act 2010.
In accordance with the Act GRA supports the development of a society in which:
– People’s ability to achieve their potential is not limited by prejudice or discrimination
– There is respect for and protection of each individual’s human rights
– There is respect for the dignity and value of each unique individual
– Each individual has an equal opportunity to participate in society
– There is mutual respect between groups based on understanding and valuing of diversity and on shared respect for equality and human rights
Our policy
It is the policy of GRA that all persons, whether job applicant, visitor, employee or learner, shall be treated fairly and equally irrespective of their age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, marriage & civil partnership, pregnancy & maternity, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation. GRA opposes all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination, or harassment whether direct, indirect, by association or by perception. Discrimination arising from disability, failing to make reasonable adjustments, harassment or victimisation are all forms of unlawful behaviour and will not be tolerated within the GRA community
Our aim is to encourage and give all employees and participants the greatest opportunity to develop and fulfil their full potential and the talents and resources of the workforce will be fully utilised to maximise the efficiency of GRA.
GRA commitment:
– Every employee / participant is entitled to be in a learning environment which promotes dignity and respect to all. No form of discrimination, intimidation, bullying, harassment or victimisation on any grounds will be tolerated.
– Provide appropriate, sensitive and accessible services to everyone
– Ensure everyone who works, visits or studies at GRA is respected and valued
– Where possible, make reasonable adjustments for individuals with identified needs to ensure fair and equal access to services and opportunities
– Fair and non-discriminatory treatment of individuals with: different socio-economic backgrounds, caring responsibilities and unrelated criminal convictions
– Conducting Equality Impact Assessments on proposed delivery changes and policies to identify any adverse impact and exploring potential options to mitigate these
– Breaches of this policy will be regarded as misconduct and could lead to disciplinary procedures
The Scope
This policy covers all aspects of GRA business and relates to both staff and learner activity including:
– Employment and promotion procedures for staff
– Recruitment, selection and enrolment of learners
– Curriculum content and development including learning and teaching materials and methods
– Course delivery and assessment has equality, diversity and inclusion embedded throughout
– External contracts
GRA will follow best practice in all the equality areas and work towards:
– Eliminating unlawful discrimination whether direct, indirect, by association or by perception
– Eliminating bullying, harassment and victimisation
– Promoting equality of opportunity
– Promoting good relationships between different groups in the GRA community
– Recognising and taking account of individuals differences
British Values
GRA is positively committed to creating an inclusive environment which is free from discrimination and where there is mutual respect and equality for all.
GRA is dedicated to promoting values which help to develop a strong sense of community and social and moral responsibility by:
– Creating environments which are free from discrimination, intolerance, and hate
– Challenging prejudice and stereotyping
– Strengthening relationships by enabling and understanding of people and communities beyond our own immediate experience
– Allowing people to be who they are without prejudice
– Ensuring learners understand the importance of respect and leave GRA fully prepared to live andwork in modern Britain and the world as responsible citizens.
Monitoring, evaluation, and action planning
GRA will continue to effectively monitor all aspects of staffing and learner populations. We will act upon areas of concern and/or disparity with regard to EDI as regards: learner success, withdrawal, achievement and learner /staff feedback.
Actions to implement and develop this policy will:
– Put staff and learners at the centre of all activity
– Demonstrate our commitment to advancing EDI
– Involve staff and learners in identifying areas for improvement
– Review and evaluate the impact of EDI training both for learners [via induction and tutorials] and staff [via induction and as part of a rolling programme including updates at standardisation/ team meetings]
Comments, compliments or complaints about this policy or any aspects/ experiences of GRA
Individuals should pursue this in accordance with the Complaints Procedure or contact their tutor or a member of senior management.
Monitoring and review of policy and procedures
This policy and related procedures is maintained by the Quality Team and will be updated where necessary to reflect updated legislation, feedback, improvements of operation and changes to the regulatory environment. If you have any comments and / or queries regarding the contents or the use of this policy, please contact the Quality team directly on: quality@gragb.com